It’s so hard to believe we’re already half way through the year – but this is our reality. If you had some new years resolutions that you have dropped the ball on, don’t fret, you still have half a year to go and you can make considerable progress on your goals. If you’re wondering how to ensure 2019 goes down as one of your best years ever, read on to see my top tips for making it so:
1. More Exercise
Exercising is such a great way to transform your life, because not only does it work wonders on your body and physical fitness, but it can have considerable benefits on your mind too. How much exercise you’ll want to do each week will depend on your current activity level, if you’re quite inactive then you’re going to want to start with exercising at least three times a week for 20 minutes a day. If you’re more active, then you’re going to want to increase your weekly exercise to a point that works in with your schedule and where you can see and feel the benefits. I think the type of exercise you do is important too, ideally it should be something you enjoy so that you keep at it. I find that group activities are really good for ensuring accountability too.
2. Do More of What You Love
Life is to be enjoyed and if there are certain things that you love doing, then you need to make them a priority. This will come down to personal preference, but if you love hosting dinner parties then make a commitment to do that regularly – maybe once or twice a month. You can buy some nice noir ask guests to each bring a plate and host a wonderful evening you’re likely to remember for years to come. Maybe you’re like me and have a strong passion for traveling, then you should also make that a priority. Having a trip booked for the future makes me excited with something special to look forward to. Investing your free time in the things you love will ensure you’re as happy as can be and will make it harder to get through the challenging days at work.
3. Connect More With Family
Your family is one of your biggest assets in life and one of the things I’m constantly reminded of as I get older is that they wont be around forever. If you live far away from your family, then you can invest in them by sending traditional letters in the mail or having regular Skype dates. I suggest setting up the phone calls on a regular basis so they become a regular part of your routine. If you’re lucky enough to live near your family, be sure to see them regularly, even if it’s just once a month for a good catch up. If you’re trying to toss up the idea of moving or staying, then click here today to read more.
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