Are you bored in your current position and looking for a dramatic change? Maybe you’re just about to graduate high school or college and wondering what you’re going to do with your career. Maybe you’ve been a stay at home parent for the last few years, but now the kids are older and more independent, you want to find something for yourself to focus on. Whatever the motivation or stage you’re in, here are three new career ideas you might not have thought about.
1. Become a Consultant
A consultant is a wonderful career because you get to work as a specialist in your field of interest. There are many different types of consultants, such as investment portfolio consultants and IT consultants. Many consultants choose to work as freelancers, which means they can choose their rates and schedules. You can even find remote work for consultants on websites like If you like pinot noir you might want to check out this link to find some great options. One of the biggest advantages to becoming a consultant is choosing your own hours, this means you can work in a part time capacity if you want to spend more time with your family or have other commitments.
2. Get into Farming
Farming is one of those industries that we’re always going to need – after all we need food! The way in which the industry operates can change, but it’s always going to be important to us as humans for our survival. If living on a big plot of land, with many animals and using your hands on a daily basis sounds like your idea of paradise, the farming might be a wonderful career for you. Thankfully technological improvements have made farming easier than ever before an there are ways you can make your farm a little different to give yourself a competitive edge. From choosing to become an organic certified farm, or to implementing a farm to table restaurant in your farm, there are so many options for doing something different with your farm. Check out this link for more information on how you can make bold moves in the farming industry
3. Become a Mover
Some people really flourish in jobs that are more physical than mental as they feel more practical and get a better sense of achievement at the end of the day. Becoming a mover is a great career move because there are always people who need a little assistance with their move. It’s also great for those of us who enjoy driving or being on the road for longer hours – you can pop in a Podcast and listen along while you help your clients get their belongings quickly and safely to their new homes. Moving can be quite a physical job which is great for keeping you in shape without having to log in many hours in the gym. If you’re planning a move, click here for more information on moving on your own.