Launching a product can be a little overwhelming. Not only have you put all of your time, effort, money, hopes, and dreams into your product, you then need to put it out in the world to be judged and either deemed worthy or unworthy.
Here are some tips for your next product launch:
Use it for Networking
While it’s obviously important that your product does well, it’s unlikely to be your only product, which is why you should use the launch for networking, meeting others in the industry, gaining contacts, and creating a media buzz for you and your business. This means that your next launch will be even bigger, and you’ll continue to gain momentum and grow your business and contacts with each launch. Invite people from all walks of life, and ask them to bring people they think would be interested in forming a partnership, sponsorship, or simply giving you some strong feedback about your product or business.
Sure, it’s unlikely that the world will end if your product launch is a disaster, but it’s sure likely to feel like you’ve got everything on the line. Unfortunately though, the more you stress, the more desperate you’ll appear when you talk to new contacts, and the less sleep you’ll get- meaning you won’t be bringing your A game to your launch and others will be able to tell.
Try to get at least 7 or 8 hours sleep in the lead up to your product launch (try melatonin if you’re having trouble sleeping, go to the gym to release some stress and get some endorphins flowing, and book in a massage or facial for the day of the launch.
Be Prepared
This goes hand in hand with the previous tip, since the more prepared you are for any eventuality, the more relaxed you’ll be likely to be. Consider getting a temporary building set up so you don’t need to worry about rain or finding a dedicated space for your event, ensure that your staff are well trained and everyone knows the plan for the night, and have your launch planned out weeks in advance so you can spot any holes and have backup plans.
Trust your people
There’s a famous saying “Make sure everyone in your boat is rowing”, and it’s crucial that you have a good team behind you. If you’ve hired the best in the business, trust your instincts and the people who are part of your team- employing people you have good feelings about (and who are qualified for the job) should mean that you can afford to be a little more hands-off. Trusting your people to do their jobs, have your best interests in mind, give your customers the best possible service and dealing well with potential contacts can give you less to worry about, make them feel like they’re heard, and ensure that everyone has a good night and your product launch is a success.