If you’re self employed or own a business, chances are that you’re constantly investing time and money into new ways to improve your business. It can be a lot more stress when you’re solely responsible for your own income and while there’s plenty of benefits to having your own business, it is often a constant hustle. Here are my top 3 tips for improving your business for this year:
1. Check Your Payment Systems
How do you receive payments? Whether you work with other businesses, with clients, or have individual sales on your website, your payment system can be a big part of your business. If payment is too difficult, many clients might get frustrated and not complete a sale. If you work with another payment system that has high fees and high currency conversion fees, you might find that you’re losing a lot of money each transfer. Check out the rates and how much your payment system is really costing you, so you can make an informed decision as to whether another payment system would be a better option for your business. For the best EMV 3DS check out this link.
2. What’s Your Online Presence
Your Online presence can make a considerable difference to your business, no matter the type of business you have. Some people think that online presence is only important for online businesses, but the reality is more and more customers are searching online to find the things they need and if you’re not online, you’re missing out. Your online presence can come in a number of different forms: a website, social media accounts, Google Reviews and so on. Which platforms you choose to be on is up to you, but it’s worth investing some time and money into improving your online presence. If you want to create a website with a blog, you may find that hiring some professional SEO services like Rex Originals to help you create content that helps you find new clients online.
3. Improve Your Staff Interactions
If you have a team of staff or work in an office environment, how happy your staff is can be a big factor in how your business is going. My work situation is a little different as I work online with this blog and I have two wonderful virtual assistants that help me do everything I need to do to keep a blog afloat. I invest a lot in my staff and have been lucky enough to work with my first virtual assistant for the past 6 or 7 years. I really like to invest in the people who help me run my business because not only do they make a difference to how busy my work is, but it’s also so hard to replace good staff. The amount of things my VA has learned in the past 7 years would take me such a long time to teach someone else, so I really value all her knowledge and experience. I feel like investing in those who help you with your business is a great way to ensure that your business is as profitable as possible and that your staff are as happy as possible.
Good luck with transforming your business this year, I’m sure with these tips you can increase profit and productivity in your business.