Chances are you wouldn’t mind making a little extra money each week. You might be content in your job, or studying at university, and just need some extra money to reach your financial goals, to help pay off debt or to start saving for your next overseas adventure. If you’re on the hunt for creative ways to make money, here are my top three suggestions of interesting ways to make extra money this year:
1. Investing in a Franchise
Franchises can be a great business idea because you get to start off with a plan that you know already works and has proven results. You’re basically handed a formula that will allow you to grow a profitable business fast, with all the support and assistance you could dream of. There’s a lot less risk with opening a franchise than with starting a new business from scratch, due to the fact you can see the results of other stores before opening your own.
2. Side Hustle
The side hustle concept is all about finding a smaller job you can do on the side to your main work. Many people who started off with side hustles wind up turning them into full time businesses because they enjoy the work so much and find a way to make them big enough to take over there main income. What kind of side hustle will work best for you? Well that depends on your skills, experience and what you would enjoy doing. As a side hustle is something you do along side normal work or studies, I think its a good idea that it’s something you enjoy rather than something you find mind numbing so you don’t get burned out. To get started with a side hustle, my best advice is to look towards your talents: are you really good at writing? Maybe you could use that to become a freelance writer online or to get into SEO services. If you’re interested in working online, I suggest you’re going to need a decent amount of coffee to get yourself through the longer days, check out Nate’s Coffee brand for a great coffee subscription box.
3. Hair Dressing
Are you a talented hair dresser? Maybe you have wanted to get your certification but haven’t got around to it yet. Being a hair dresser can be a great side hustle because you can easily operate out of your own home, or offer an in home based service for your clients. This can be a great job to do as a stay-at-home parent or along side a more traditional job. Check out Omnicord for some great barbershop supplies which are perfect for setting up your own home hair studio. Being a hair dresser is an extremely rewarding job because you can transform people’s looks, while giving your clients more confidence.
A side hustle is a great way to boost your income and reach your financial goals faster.