When setting up your own business, you have a lot of financial concerns to occupy your mind. One of the main ones will be your car; the monthly finance payment or huge initial outlay if you decide to buy a vehicle outright, can take up a large chunk of your monthly income. That’s why so many businessmen and women are opting to take the car leasing route instead – it will free up more of your income so that you can focus on making those crucial business decisions that will take your company to the next level. So, why is car leasing the way forward? Check out the top three reasons…
- All about image
First and foremost, the chances of you being able to afford a brand new car will be slim to none if you’re setting up your own business. And even if you’re well on the way to building your empire, you know that the right savvy decision to make is to invest any sizeable profit into better equipment, software and so on.
However, if you lease a car, you can have the latest model on your doorstep immediately, and with lower payments than buying a car on finance. That means you can get that sleek, professional Audi car leasing deal that will impress potential customers, for far less money. Image is important in business, and if you already look successful from the moment you turn up to a meeting, they’re going to see you as a reliable person to handle their account.
- Make a saving
Secondly, it’s a well-known fact that cars depreciate in value from the moment you drive them out of the dealership. In fact, your average model can decrease in value by as much as 19% in its first year. If you buy a new car in one lump sum, you inevitably stand to make a substantial loss when you come to sell it as the first owner. Or, if you buy via a finance agreement, you will pay for the car’s new value every single month for however many years.
However, when leasing, the monthly amount you pay reflects the drop in value you’re your payments will consistently decrease. This either means you free up more of your income as the months go on, or you trade it in for a newer model once it drops to a certain level.
- You can change it up
Finally, one of the best benefits to leasing for entrepreneurs is that you can easily change the vehicle whenever you please. Whether you want to be seen to stay up to date, or you need to change your car to suit your needs as they evolve with your business, there is a level of versatility with leasing a car that you don’t get with buying a vehicle. It’s also perfect for growing your team, as you can take out multiple leasing deals.
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