It’s safe to say that the world of app development is becoming ever more competitive as more and more businesses look to tap into the increased use of smartphones and tablets. As such, you must be sure your app is the best it can be, and that it is completely ready for users to enjoy before you put it live for download.
You’ll already have had quite a lot to contend with already at this stage following planning, design and production, but to find out how to tackle this last hurdle, here’s what you need to do:
Test, Test and Test Again
Much like any product or service offering, your app should go through a rigorous testing process to iron out any bugs, security issues or failings which could later be problematic. A poor user experience will massively deter people from wanting to use your app, so you should run beta tests first to ensure it’s in full working order. Another alternative is to get a specialist firm such as Sogeti to do this; these types of companies will carry out testing and highlight any potential issues for you.
Choose your Platform Wisely
While you’ll probably want to launch on both Android and iOS eventually, you need to pick one to start with. Each has both pros and cons to consider, such as how Android is a more open platform but isn’t as secure, while iOS has better security but can be quite restrictive with what you can share. Make this decision based on your target markets and from your research try and gather what platform your chosen demographics prefer.
Market your App Effectively
With this decision made you next need to get the word out about your app. Run advertising campaigns on social media or on your website, as these are the places people who use apps will be familiar with and will most probably be looking. You may also want to look at paid advertising online as well, aimed at mobile users.
With all this in place, all there should left for you to do now is get your app online and await the downloads. When you’re at this stage a final tip for you is to remember that it may take time for the big results to come in, so you’ll need to be patient. After a while though you should hopefully start to realise some great results.