Within the past couple of decades an increasing number of people have become afraid of flying due to the events of September, 2001. Unfortunately, those numbers already added to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who were already afraid to take a flight and so it is safe to say that this is almost a phobia of epidemic proportions. In fact, such a great number of people are so afraid that they won’t get on a plane until they have taken out a flight insurance policy and contacted an airplane crash lawyer like Slack & Davis to ensure their dependents will be cared for financially in the event of the plane going down. If you are afraid of flying, there are ways to cope on an airplane so that you can make the trip without undue worry.
Not Why But How
You may never get to the bottom of exactly ‘why’ you are afraid to fly so don’t waste your time trying to figure out the why of it. Instead, focus on how you are afraid. What is it you are afraid of and how do you respond to this fear. In understanding ‘how’ you handle fear, it is possible to take proactive steps to at least reduce the impact that fear has on you. Do you get overwhelming anxiety? Do you literally panic when stepping on a plane? These are behaviors that can be handled in a number of ways, one of which is with anti anxiety medications. Although this is the most aggressive treatment to help you cope with a fear of flying, in severe cases a tranquilizer may be prescribed to be taken when flying is unavoidable.
It Might Even Be about Flying!
One thing to keep in the back of your head is that your fear of flying may not even be about flying! Some people are afraid of heights which could very easily be dealt with by booking an aisle seat far from a window. Others are claustrophobic. Since there are so many other situations in life where you would need to deal with being in confined spaces, it is recommended that you use the very same techniques you employ while on an elevator or on a cramped city bus. Again, it isn’t good to waste time trying to figure out why you are afraid of flying but if you know you have these phobias, then chances are you are not afraid of flying at all! Simply do what you do every day of your life to alleviate those fears and see how easy it is to cope on an airplane.
Deep Breathing Exercises and Centering Techniques
While you may not be able to rid yourself of your fear entirely, you can learn to cope long enough to take a flight to your destination, and back. Many people are well served by utilizing deep breathing relaxation exercises while others use centering techniques learned from Eastern spiritual practices. Zen meditation and guided imagery are great ways to reduce stress of any kind so when you get seated on the plane, sit back, begin your breathing exercises with eyes closed and focus on the imagery that works in other times of stress.
Learning not to be afraid of flying is not easy but can be mastered. Sometimes it helps to fly with a family member or friend who can keep you entertained and your mind off what you are doing. It’s a matter of becoming aware of the fact that flying is actually one of the safest modes of travel there are. Fewer people die in air crashes than from cars that you ride in every day, or swimming accidents at beaches like you go to each and every summer. It won’t necessarily be easy but you really can learn to cope on an airplane. Millions have done it and so can you.