When you’re beginning a new sport, it can feel absolutely overwhelming. Not only do you have to learn the rules of the game if you’ve not played before, but you also need to invest in the required gear, get your physical fitness up to speed and learn how to play. While many of us will find these challenges exciting, some of us will feel overwhelmed with the prospect of getting started and all there is to do. If you fall into the latter category, don’t worry. Here are 7 badminton tips for beginners.
1. Don’t Skip the Warm Up
The warm up may be the most important part of the game, maybe even more important than the game itself. If you don’t warm up properly, you’re setting yourself up to fail and chances are you’ll walk away with an injury. This is especially important if you’re not physically fit, don’t work out often, or if the weather is cooler. Getting yourself warmed up will ensure your heart rate is up, the blood is flowing, and your muscles are warm and relaxed. Having a great Yonex Badminton Racket isn’t enough to ensure victory, so be sure to warm up and start your game off right.
2. Know the Rules
Knowing the rules is an important part of playing the game – a quick Google search can give you a basic run down of the rules, but if you’d like to hear a more comprehensive explanation head to Youtube. You can find experts on badminton talking about all the main rules as well as tips for gameplay that are sure to serve you – did you like that pun?
3. Be Positive Going into the Game
Mindset is such a big factor in all areas of our life and this extends to the sports we play too. If you go into a game feeling negative about your skillset, your fitness, or even your size, then you’re not going to enjoy the game very much. On top of that, you’re not going to perform to the best of your abilities. We are what we think, and our mindset will impact the choices we make as well as the way in which we make those choices. A positive mindset can really help improve your overall game play.
4. Stay Center
Staying in the centre of the court makes it easier for you to react to other player’s moves. Every time you serve or take a shot, you’re going to want to move as close to the centre of the court as fast as you can so you can be prepared for the next shot. Being centred means you don’t need as much time to react to the other player’s moves and gives you a better chance of hitting the shots.
5. Watch Youtube
Youtube is a fantastic resource for sports, as mentioned above it can help bring you up to sped with gameplay and rules. But beyond that, it can be a great place to watch examples of people playing badminton. You can search for all different levels to get exposure to moves and strategies that you can implement in your gameplay no matter your level.
6. Consider Lessons
If you’re not progressing as you would like to, or feel that you need a little extra help, getting lessons can be a great option for moving forward. Many places will offer both personal one on one lessons as well as group classes. Generally group lessons will be more affordable, which could mean that you could go more frequently. One on one lessons will give you very personalised advice which may help you advance your game more quickly. Both options can be a great way to move forward.
7. Practice Often
Practice as often as you can – any excuse is a good excuse for a game of badminton. Also try to mix up the people you practice with – you don’t want to make the mistake of only playing against one person as you’ll end up in some kind of routine. Choosing to play with a variety of players can help you build up more confidence as well as make you more adaptable, both of which are great skills for the game of badminton.
Badminton is such a fun sport to get started with. Hopefully these 7 tips for improving your badminton game as a beginner inspires you to get on the court and to start having fun.

7 Badminton Tips for Beginners
In Sports
by David Leach