If your household bills have skyrocketed as of late, your New Year’s resolution will likely be to save money. One of the easiest ways to save some cash and do your bit for the environment is to minimize your water use — here’s how you do it.
Boost your mains water
A trickling tap and far-from powerful shower are more than just general household annoyances. Whether you’re washing your hands or taking a shower, reduced water pressure often means the task takes longer, resulting in increased water usage. If your home has a water meter, you can end up spending a lot more than you’d like.
A way of minimising this issue is to boost your mains water pressure. WaterPressureProblems.com has more advice based on the type of boiler you have but generally speaking, a house pump can be installed to your water source to boost the pressure throughout the system. While there is an initial cost to pay, you will reap the benefits in the long run.
Reuse water in your garden
When watering plants, many of us head for the hose. However, this can be a waste of valuable fresh water, when greywater will do the job just as well. Greywater is a term used to describe water that has already been used in your bath, shower and sinks.
While this water usually contains a proportion of soap, shampoo or shower gel due to its very nature, it is safe to use to water your plants. Before you empty your bath, fill a watering can, although you shouldn’t if the water is particularly dirty or soapy.
Keep a bottle of water in the fridge
As you pour yourself a glass of tap water, you’ll probably let the tap run until it reaches the cool temperature you require. However, the problem with this is that it wastes water. While it may seem minimal, consistent use can cause your wastage to skyrocket.
Instead, keep a large bottle of tap water in your fridge. That way, it will always be at the optimum temperature, ready for when you need it.
Wait for a full load
If you have a dishwasher, you should always wait until the trays are full before running a cycle. Unnecessary half-full cycles will not only cause your water consumption to skyrocket, it will push up your energy usage too. When purchasing a dishwasher, always consider its water usage and choose the most economical option for your needs.