Have you noticed that your bank account isn’t as healthy as it should be? Financial advisors recommend that everyone has at least six months worth of living costs in a savings account to see them through in case they lose their job or have another disaster strike. However if the average person lost their job tomorrow, they would have around one months worth of savings to tide them over until they found a new one (and many people don’t even have that).
In order to save money, you need to either decrease your outgoings, or increase your incomings. For many people, they’re barely making ends meet as it is, and have no idea where they would find be able to cut money from their current living expenses.
For this reason, it makes sense to increase the money you’re earning. If you’ve got a 9-5 already, you may be wondering how to do that, but here are some tips:
Ask for a pay rise
This may seem simple, but for many people (particularly women) they’re not getting paid what they’re worth. In order to be successful with your request, you need to demonstrate how valuable you are to the company. Spend some time finding ways that you’ve contributed to the growth or success of the company you’re working for, and approach your boss with this in mind.
If you know you’re getting paid much less than you should be, it may be time to walk. Obviously, don’t leave your current job until you have another one lined up.
Get a side hustle
There are plenty of great ways that you can make a little extra money on the side. Some of them are even fun. If you love going to casinos, consider betting online so you can have the same fun experiences but without the cost of actually going out. You’ll find that as you refine your technique and become a better player, you may begin making enough money to add to your savings account each month.
Another great side hustle is freelancing. If you’ve previously worked as a writer, software developer, designer, or anything else that requires a laptop to be successful, there’s no reason why you can’t start freelancing on the side.
Sure, it can take some time to find the perfect clients, but you’ll be earning a steady income in your spare time, and may even decide to make your side hustle your new 9-5.
Sell your stuff
Most of us have way too much stuff. If you spend a day having a clean out, you’re likely to find plenty of old clothes, electronics, kitchenware and furniture that you no longer use. The solution? Sell it! There are plenty of excellent websites online that will allow you to list and sell your old stuff, and you may even make enough for that holiday you’ve been wanting to take for a few years!