You may be a budgeting expert or perhaps you’re a whiz at scoping out the best bargains in town. But believe it or not, there are better ways that you can manage your finances today and save money. Most people are familiar with the concept of debt, but while some are actively paying off the money that they owe today, very few are doing concrete steps to save money for the future. According to a survey, half of all Americans have absolutely nothing saved for their retirement. Moreover, 35% of respondents have less than $1,000 stashed away in their savings account.
Paying off current debts is part of every adult’s financial obligations, but it is important not to forget about saving for emergencies or for the future. This is why finding smarter solutions to manage your money is imperative to increase your savings and to gain financial security over a short period of time. Here are better ways to manage your money and increase your savings this year.
Never go beyond 30% of your credit card limit
If you’re the type of person who doesn’t rely on credit cards to make ends meet, then you’re already on your way to financial freedom. But for an even better way to use your credit card, resolve never to go beyond 30% of your credit card limit. This means that if you have a limit of $500, you should keep your purchases at $150 or less. On the payment date, pay the amount in full and continue doing so every month. Doing so shows the creditor that you’re a responsible credit card user, which leads to an increased credit in the future and a better credit score.
Any extra money should go into your savings account
If you were lucky enough to get a big bonus or if you’ve been given cash gifts, don’t spend them on meaningless items! Any extra money that you receive should go into your savings account. If you want to earn extra income, there are lots of ways to do that without leaving your current job. You can take on side jobs or start a small business. If you need money to fund a business but you happen to have a bad credit score, don’t fret—it’s possible to get a personal loan despite a bad credit score. Just make sure to shop around for the best rate and to beware of lenders who ignore payment history.
Give yourself a limit for unplanned spending
Vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions can often cause even the most budget-conscious person to stray from his or her spending plan. Instead of meticulously going over every cent while you’re on holiday—which is sure to take the fun out of the experience—have a set limit for unplanned spending. For instance, if you’re spending a romantic weekend at a resort with your significant other, plan on having a set amount for food and entertainment during your vacation and don’t spend more than that amount. If there’s money left over from your getaway, deposit it right away in your savings account once you get home.
Finding better ways to manage your money can lead to financial stability in the future. Follow these tips to be on top of your finances and to increase your savings this year.