When you think of the things you can buy with your paycheck or the things it takes care of, it can be overwhelming to contemplate making a job or career change. However, the longer you wait to make that switch, the more complicated and costlier it becomes.
But how do you know it is time to make that career transition? And how do you know you are ready?
When you notice any of these four tell-tale signs, it is time to make a career change:
1. It is a Struggle to Get Up in the Morning
If you wake up every morning, and the thought of going to work makes you feel nauseous, it is time to move on. This may be one of the earliest signs, but some people wait until they are experiencing a crisis before they make a change.
When you love what you do for a living, you look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work. It may be the time for a transition if you’re already looking forward to your vacation, dreading Mondays, or looking for reasons not to go to work; it may be the time for a transition.
2. You Have Lost Passion for Your Work
When was the last time you got excited about a new project? Do you feel your work is keeping you from things that make you happy?
If these questions apply to you, it is a sign you have lost passion for your career. Find something that is more fulfilling and rewarding, and you will be more productive. Find something that you are passionate about, and you will enjoy your job again.
Need inspiration for how you can find a new passion for work? Success.com offers inspirational articles like these to help entrepreneurs and employees make that bold decision, so they have fulfilling careers:
3. The Job Affects Your Self-esteem
Of course, a job that harms your self-esteem will leave you feeling miserable after work, but there are many more subtle effects. Unhappiness in your career path can also affect how you treat the people around you.
If you don’t enjoy what you do or feel you have reached a dead-end, it may lead to negativity, such as impatience, bad humor, or even anger towards others, including friends and family.
4. You are Only Doing it for the Money
Whether you’re making $35,000 or $675,000 a year, if you’re doing it for the money alone, chances are you are unfulfilled. Money is crucial, but not if it comes at the cost of your happiness.
It is far more satisfying to lead a career you are passionate about than making lots of money. Even with the most beautiful, shiny new things, you will still be unhappy at work if you hate your job.
These four tell-tale signs will help you recognize when it is time to change careers. Drawing on your current knowledge and skills, find a job or career that makes you feel happy, engaged, and successful with your daily work.