Do you have any idea how much money you spend on alcohol each day, each week, each month? How about every year? If you have a strict budget, or spend time each week tracking your expenses, then there’s a good chance you’re aware. But for those of you who don’t track how much you spend on a drink here and there, you may be surprised by how large the cost of drinking really is.
There are many potential costs to alcohol – the way the addiction can hurt families, the affects of alcohol on your body and so on, but for this article we’re going to keep things light and to focus purely on the financial aspect of alcohol consumption.
Compare The Market have created an interesting and informative infographic about how much money is spent in Australia, breaking it down into per second ($447.10) per minute ($26,826) and every hour ($1,600,000). These numbers might shock you, and I hope that you’ll use them as motivation to be more mindful about the true amount of money you might be spending each weekend on a few nights out.
The infographic shows below so many interesting cost breakdowns of how we’re spending our money on alcohol. Please take a moment to check it out: