We have all heard the cliche that 60 is the new 40, and today’s seniors lead far more active and varied lives than their contemporaries from past generations. Today, it is increasingly common for us to delay retirement into our 70s and even 80s, while those who do choose to retire spend their time enjoying pastimes and travel. Leisure industries are keen to cash in on the silver dollar, and retirees spend more on leisure travel than any other demographic in society.
Work and leisure are all good, but how about those who are still looking for Mr, Mrs or Miss Right? In the 21st century, being in your 60s, 70s and 80s is no barrier, and neither is the decision to move into assisted living, where octogenarians can enjoy senior proms and date nights. Here are three tips for finding love in later years.
1) Learn from the past
You have the advantage of years and experience, so make the best use of it. Most of those who have found love have been through the pain of failure, rejection and break ups. When a relationship fails, it is always easier to blame it on the other person, but those who have gone on to enjoy successful relationships later have done so by understanding their own mistakes. Whether you have been too critical or accepting, too selfish or giving, too dominating or willing to be downtrodden – none of us are perfect. It is easy to think that contemplating “what might have been” is unhealthy, but it can provide a clue to a better future and prevents history from repeating itself.
2) Be comfortable with yourself
The more you like yourself, the better the chances that others will like you too. It doesn’t mean you have to go around blowing your own trumpet about how wonderful you are, but just means accepting your characteristics, good and bad, and being comfortable in your own skin.
3) Do what you enjoy
If you sit around the house all day watching Judge Judy, you are unlikely to meet the love of your life. Get out there and indulge your passions and hobbies, and there is a good chance of meeting like-minded people with the same interests. And who knows where it might lead?
Enjoying later life
If you follow the above tips, there is still no guarantee that you will find the love of your life, but what is certain is that you will lead a happier and more fulfilled life. And that has to be worth striving for at any age.