The internet is an amazing resource, but it has a dark side. A whole generation has grown up in the shadow of explicit digital content, their brains marinated in a daily diet of hard-core pornography. Many young men are now so conditioned by the extreme sexual content freely available in high-definition that they are no longer aroused by normal sex. Some psychologists believe the pervasive nature of pornography is a ticking time bomb and future generations of men will view women as nothing more than a sexual plaything to be used and abused. Whether these predictions come to fruition remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: porn can ruin relationships.
Not Tonight, Josephine
Relationships are hard work. Partners don’t always want to have sex on cue. They may be tired, annoyed about something, or simply not in the mood for physical contact. Pornography provides instant sexual satisfaction. Watching porn for sexual gratification is a selfish act. You don’t have to worry about giving your partner pleasure; the men and women writhing around on screen are there for your pleasure.
Addicted to Porn
The problem with porn is that it is addictive. It’s all too easy to find hard-core content online, so pornography soon becomes the go-to source of sexual pleasure. Instead of pestering your partner for sex, you watch your favorite porn video instead. Porn stars don’t say “not tonight, dear, I have a headache”. They are always in the mood for some raunchy action.
Tell Her about It
Does your partner know you watch porn after she’s gone to bed? Or do you tell her you’re staying up to watch sports on TV? Porn is a secretive activity. Most don’t want their partners to know they consume porn on a regular basis. It becomes a shameful secret, and once you start keeping secrets from your other half, your relationship is on shaky ground. Whilst watching porn alone in a darkened room is not quite the same as hooking up with a stranger in a bar, some still view it as a form of virtual cheating.
The Grass is Greener
Men who watch copious amounts of pornography are also more likely to have an affair. Porn stars are invariably attractive. The more you watch sexually attractive people cavort on screen, the more likely you are to start denigrating your real-life partner, the partner who would rather go to bed early and read a book than try out some kinky S&M scenes.
We are all susceptible to the notion that the grass is greener over the fence. Even if our partner is a bombshell, it is human nature to wonder if there is someone better out there. In part, this is why sites like Tinder are so successful. However, be careful if you prefer porn to your partner: researchers have found that an addiction to porn is a strong predictor of infidelity.
Porn addict recovery programs are available, but until you admit you have a problem, your relationship is in danger.
Porn isn’t harmless. In fact, pornography is anything but harmless. Nobody is immune to porn. Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, David Duchovny, and Tiger Woods have all admitted to porn addiction issues. They sought help, so you can too.