Are you struggling to keep yourself entertained during the lockdown? I don’t blame you. It’s something that most of us have never had to experience during our lifetimes, meaning that we’re mostly unprepared for a situation like this. To keep you better entertained, here are my top 10 ways to fight boredom during lockdown:
1. Read a Book
I love reading and there’s something special about curling up in bed or a comfy spot and reading a book. I’m sure there’s something on your “to read list” that you’ve simply not had time to read due to other commitments. Well, now is the perfect time! If you’re unable to get a book delivered to your house, why not consider downloading the Kindle app and reading it that way? You can read it on your smartphone if you don’t have an ebook reader, so no excuses.
2. Play Lotto
I personally love playing Lotto, but maybe not for the reasons you imagine. I love the suspense of wondering if I’ve got the winning combination. Those few days where I’m mentally planning how I’ll spend all my winnings and dreaming of exotic vacations are really my favourite part. Of course I enjoy picking my numbers, checking them off and seeing how much I’ve won, but the suspense is also exciting, making it one of my favourite ways to overcome boredom.
3. Go For a Run
I think running is such a great activity because no matter where you live you can pop outside for a run. Now that most of us are spending more time than ever at home, it’s super important to get outside to catch some vitamin D. It’s also really nice to get a change of scenery. If your fitness isn’t quite where you’d like it to be, you can use an app to help you get there.
4. Jump on a Video Call With a Loved One
Chances are there’s someone in your family you’ve been meaning to call for a while but haven’t got around to. Maybe it’s a good friend that you haven’t seen in years. Whoever it is, make the time to give them a video call and to check on them. This time is challenging for all of us in different ways, but connecting with our loved ones is a great way to help it feel a little easier.
5. Get Spring Cleaning
It’s probably spring where you are, and if not, then it’s still the perfect time for a major clear out. Many of us hold onto so many things that don’t bring us any joy anymore. Maybe you have some old clothes that you haven’t been able to fit in years, taunting you in the back of your closet. Maybe you’ve got too many physical DVDs that are just collecting dust. Whatever your situation, now is a great time to comb through your things and clear out what you’re not using.
6. Get into Puzzles
I love puzzles, I think they’re a great way to unwind and relax as you can kind of do them without too much thought. There’s also a great feeling of satisfaction when you finish a puzzle and get to see the beautiful picture in all its glory. Instead of going out and buying a ton of puzzles why not see if your friends have some and you can trade? This is a great way to keep things fresh without spending a ton.
7. Learn a New Language
I’ve managed to learn quite a lot of Spanish through the app Duolingo. The best thing is the app is free and you can do it in small chunks throughout the day in order to learn a little. There are tons of other free apps online that might suit your style better, but it’s really never been easier to learn a new language. If you’ve got plans to visit another country this can be great motivation for learning the language.
8. Get Baking
I don’t know about you, but my social media newsfeeds are filled with friends and family members trying their hands at baking. There are pictures of homemade pizzas, fresh sourdough and even some delicious slices making their way through my feed. If you enjoy baking it can be a really fun activity to do with the extra time on your hands. It is especially great if you have children and want to get them involved in the kitchen.
9. Write a Letter
I love receiving actual mail in the mailbox, there’s something so special about it. It’s also something you can keep and look back on in a few years. If you have an older family member, especially if they’re in a retirement home at the moment, chances are they’re finding this time really hard. Why not sit down and pen them a letter, something they can physically touch. I’m sure it will mean a lot to them!
10. Listen to a Podcast
There are so many great podcasts are there, you’re literally spoiled for choice. Maybe you want to learn something about online marketing – there’s a podcast or 100 out there for that. Perhaps you’re interested in crime podcast – there are plenty of those too. Any topic you can think of is covered in the podcast sphere. Here are my top 4 podcasts to help you get through this quarantine period.
Just because we’re stuck at home right now doesn’t mean you need to be bored. Use these tips to keep yourself thoroughly entertained!