The festive holiday period is that prolonged time of year when there are more parties and events than your body can sometimes handle. From hangovers, to waking up somewhere that you don’t recognize, excessive partying can lead to a whole host of embarrassments and bad memories if you go too far.
Everybody likes a good party and it is the one time of the year where you should be able to have some fun and not feel guilty about it. More often than not, you wake up regretting some of the antics of the previous evening.
Do any of these drink-fuelled antics sound familiar?
- Texting the Ex. This is never a good idea when under the influence of alcohol. You’re probably going to say something that you either don’t mean or you don’t want to know the answer to. Don’t do it. Give yourself a drunken texting ban. In fact, ban all social media usage as well because you can get yourself into similar trouble on there. There are even apps available that can stop you from using social media when drunk!
- Throwing Up in a Public Place. If you’ve over-done it on the shots or mixed your drinks then you are putting yourself and others at the risk of your projectile vomit. If you are going to partake in shots and don’t have a stomach of steel, then at least scope out where the nearest exit or toilet is, just in case.
- Embarrassing Yourself in Front of The Boss. The annual work’s Xmas event presents itself with the opportunity to screw up your promotion chances or at least make it a very painful first few days back in the office. It always seems like fun at the time but if you take it too far, you are going to want a big hole to swallow you up the next day. Don’t dance on tables and don’t take someone home that you wouldn’t if you were sober!
- Going Home with Someone that you shouldn’t. Alcohol has festive cheer has that power to make even the worst ideas seem like a good one. Going home with a work colleague, cheating on your partner or taking home a complete stranger can all end up being a terrible, terrible mistake. As well as awkwardness at work, you could end up with a nasty infection. If you find yourself in this situation you find out about how to get a STD Test Online.
With more and more people using dating apps like Tinder to hook up, STD’s are on the increase, so make sure you’re careful out there.
- Causing Yourself Injury. Nobody wants to bring in the New Year covered in a plaster-cast or in severe pain. Drunken injuries are very common, from taking a tumble down some stairs to ending up in a heated argument that turns nasty. Not only can it cause you pain but can also keep you out of work and end up being a very costly night out.