If you have a busy, hectic job, then your body may be feeling the effects and might be trying to give some subtle or less subtle hints that you need to slow down. In a fast paced working environment it can be difficult to have a bit of time out, but there are other ways that you can work more balance into your life, so that your body gets chance to recuperate.
Make the most of your breaks
If you have a deadline looming then it can often be tempting to work through your breaks to try and get everything done on time. This can actually turn out to be counter-productive as your body, and particularly your brain, needs a break to help it perform at its highest level. Even if you just have a 20 minute break, you will feel the benefit when you have increased productivity after your break. If you can, take a walk to clear your head as fresh air is a great way of helping your body to cope with work demands. Lunch breaks are important, so make sure you take them.
Exercise more
If you have time to exercise before you go to work, then you will feel more awake and prepared for the day’s challenges. Exercise produces endorphins, which can help you to feel good, so if you are doing this in the morning, you are more likely to be happy throughout your day. Exercise has all kinds of positive health benefits. If you are feeling the pressures of your job, a good way of releasing your frustration is through exercise. The other great thing about exercise is that you can do it in a social setting. Socializing with friends is another proven way of feeling better.
Change your diet
Your diet has a big impact on your mood, so if you are consuming lots of heavy, fatty and stodgy foods, this can make you feel lethargic. By changing your diet to include ‘feel good’ foods like vegetables, fruits and proteins, your body will thank you, and you will find you have a lot more energy to get you through the day. If you are limited to the food that you can purchase when you are at work, then start preparing your meals to take in. This could also give you a bit more time to relax on your lunch break instead of rushing about to purchase and eat your lunch.
When you have a high pressured job, it is easy to get into the habit of relaxing with alcohol, but as it is a depressant, it can make you feel a whole lot worse the next day and the following days. If you are struggling with a form of addiction then you can get help from Georgia Drug Detox in Atlanta, GA.
Hectic jobs can take their toll on your body and your emotional health, so talk to your doctor if you are struggling, and try and make some positive changes to help you.