We all know about germs. At least, we all think we do. But I recently read an ebook from a campaign titled #GloveIsAllYouNeed by Brosch sterile gloves, and I learned a lot more about how easily germs can spread.
Most of us don’t want to think about how the food and drinks we’re consuming can be filled with viruses, parasites, and bacteria- all of which can make us very sick. It turns out that there are more than 250 organisms that can lead to nasty foodborne illnesses that cause terrible symptoms like fever, diarrhea, stomach pains, and vomiting.
Just a few of these include Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, listeria, and Shigella. Using unigloves can ensure that you keep your customer’s safe, especially during Covid times.
I’ve always been the type of person who likes to wash her hands after touching money, and it turns out that when we touch cash, we’re exposing ourselves to more germs than we may have imagined. Did you know, for example, that the average banknote is home to more than 26,000 live bacteria? And a coin has more germs than a toilet seat.
Most people love to go to food festivals. These can be a small gathering to a massive event, and celebrate a wide range of food. Burgers are one of the most popular types of foods at these events, and it’s easy to see why- they’re delicious. But it’s imperative that burgers are handled properly to avoid being contaminated with the types of bacteria that leads to the sicknesses and symptoms listed above. While 89% of people agree that food hygiene ratings are important when they’re finding somewhere to eat, many are unaware of just how easily these germs can spread.
While our hands may look clean, they can actually be hosting a wide range of germs. One of these is Norovirus, and it’s common in winter (although seen throughout the year). This is transmitted when people aren’t washing their hands properly and can spread like wildfire through large groups. We all know that colds and flu are easily spread, but did you know that they can live on our hands for 24 hours or more. Hepatitis A is also something that can cause some severe symptoms, like liver problems, tiredness, fever, and pain. This is passed on when people prepare drinks or food without wearing gloves or washing their hands.
This can all be avoided by making sure you’re performing effective hand hygiene. However, soap and water are often not enough. That’s why it’s important to use disposable gloves especially when you’re cooking food.