The aging process is not something we can avoid forever. Time catches up with everyone, but if we take good care of our skin, we can retain our youthfulness as long for as possible.
In the world of celebrity, discreet cosmetic surgery is the preferred method of keeping wrinkles at bay. For the rest of us, there are other less invasive options to choose from. Here are a few of the best strategies to help you fight the signs of aging.
Avoid the Sun
A suntan might look healthy, but the sun is seriously bad for your skin. The skin produces melanin to protect itself against the effects of UV light, which damages collagen and causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear. So do yourself a favour and stay out of the sun.
Stop Smoking
We all know how bad smoking is, but have you considered the effect it is having on your skin? Cigarette smoking stops you from absorbing Vitamin C, damages collagen and blocks the blood supply to your skin. Quit now or you can look forward to a saggy face.
Lots of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is great for skin health. The more Vitamin C you consume, the less wrinkles you will have. Eat lots of citrus, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and kiwi fruit. It is also a good idea to look for skin care products that contain extra Vitamin C, as these help to repair damaged collagen.
Eat Avocado
Avocados are a superfood. Not only do they taste great – especially with a squeeze of lemon juice – avocados are also good for your skin. Eat an avocado a day and your skin will retain its elasticity. You can also use avocado as a face mask to nourish dry skin.
Exfoliate Regularly
Regular exfoliating removes the dead cells that build up on the surface of the skin. This helps to speed up the natural process of cell renewal, which will leave your complexion fresher and more radiant.
Drink Green Tea
A cup of green tea keeps the doctor away. Well, not quite, but green tea is a good source of antioxidants, which neutralise the pesky free radicals that damage healthy skin cells. Other good sources of antioxidants include spinach, kale and egg yolks.
Try Collagen Drinks
Collagen is essential for supple, youthful skin, but sadly our body’s natural collagen production slows down as we age. One way around this problem is to take a daily collagen supplement in the form of a drink.
Gold Collagen and Skinade are the market leaders in collagen drinks. Both drinks claim that results will be seen in as little as 30 days, with skin feeling more hydrated and supple over time. Although there is a lot of information regarding Gold Collagen vs Skinade online, we recommend Skinade as you do tend to get quicker results.
Regular Exercise
Exercise gets the blood pumping and pushes nutrients and active skin cells to the surface. As a result of vigorous exercise, you will look fresher and younger, not to mention flushed.
Achieving younger looking skin isn’t rocket science. Mostly it is a case of eating a healthy diet and using your common sense when it comes to sun exposure and smoking. However, it doesn’t hurt to use a good quality cream containing retinol, too. Looking for an all natural exfoliating mask? Check out VerdiLab’s Micro Exfoliating Mask.