Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is one of the most harrowing situations that a person has to deal with. Whether you are the person who is terminal or a friend or loved one has been diagnosed in this manner, this life-altering news can cause different people to react in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to process this information, but once the initial shock has subsided, a number of issues must be attended to.
There are often two different aspects to the reaction that people have when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. There is a need to be practical, which means that putting their affairs in order is a top priority, and of course, there is a need to engage with others and try to create as many positive memories as possible.
Take care of financial matters
Financial matters will often be a major concern, and it makes sense to create a will and ensure that all wishes or requests can be met. A lot of people don’t like to talk about money, but given the financial impact that a death can have, this is a topic that needs to be broached and dealt with responsibly.
It can be difficult for people to know the best thing to do if they have a friend or loved one in this situation. It is likely that they will be feeling a wide range of emotions, but the goal is to make sure that the person who has been diagnosed is comfortable, treated with dignity and respect and surrounded by loved ones. Quite often, giving up some time to talk with the person is the best thing that you can do because this reinforces great memories and ensures that the person who is suffering knows that they are loved and have had a positive impact on the world.
Planning a memorial service can be a nice touch
Given that many people pass on unexpectedly, it is easy to see why some people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness like to try and control as many of their death and funeral arrangements as possible. For a lot of people, their funeral services and how they are laid to rest are essential components in taking care of their final days, weeks or months.
Personal preference will influence a person’s wishes, but for many individuals, cremation is their requested option. Planning this gives your loved ones one less thing to worry about when you have passed on, and cremation services can allow survivors to create a wonderful memorial gathering and tribute to a life well lived. This service is often an opportunity for friends, family members, colleagues and associates to meet and share stories and many happy memories of the person who has passed on.
Knowing that there will be many close friends gathered in one place after their passing is helpful to people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and arranging for a cremation service can be a comforting thought. Dealing with terminal illness is never easy, but it is possible to ensure that a life is remembered in the right manner.