We’re living in strange times, most of us have never experienced a pandemic like this before. Many countries are shut down, borders closed, flights suspended and our normal day-to-day activities are all on hold. For an unknown amount of time we’re supposed to social distance ourselves and reduce the risk of exposure, essentially leaving risk management in our own hands. Here are my 3 tips for risk management during the corona virus outbreak.
1. Figure Out Your Weakest Links
With the corona virus exposure is the main issue. You’re going to want to think about how much you can afford to reduce your interactions with people and places outside the home in order to cut this down as much as possible. Obviously there’s a limit to how much you can self isolate – you might need to get outside for a run and some fresh air, or head to the supermarket in order to grab some groceries. You’ll want to take some steps to minimise your chance of exposure when you’re out of the home.
2. Reduce Exposure
So the best way to to reduce exposure is just to stay home, but if you need to go out for essentials or your work is considered essential work, then how are you best going to reduce exposure? Keep a safe distance between yourself and other people outside your home, ideally keeping 6-8 feet away. Avoid touching your face as you can transmit the virus onto your face. Use a mask to reduce the chance of you passing it on if you have it without symptoms.
3. Stay Inside Your Household Bubble
It’s hard to go weeks or even months without seeing loved ones. Luckily we’re in a great time where we have the ability to keep in touch with video phone calls. If you live alone, this can be especially isolating. I suggest setting up regular video calls to help keep the social part of your mind busy. Take this extra time to pursue some of your hobbies such as reading, watching Netflix or even doing some puzzles.
The more aggressive we are with our response to the Corona Virus, hopefully the faster it will be wiped out, allowing us to return to normal life.
3 Tips for Risk Management During the Corona Virus Outbreak
In Health
by David Leach