Dental health is important to all people no matter their income level, career, race, or religion. No one wants to suffer tooth decay, damage, or loss. No one wants to live with painful gum disease. People can avoid many dental problems with good hygiene and eating the correct foods. Visiting the dentist for regular checkups is also a good preventive measure. But, even those who do not go for checkups can take better care of their teeth and gums. When problems occur, it is good to have a dental office phone number handy. And if you need a recommendation, get checked out with the dentist in concord.
Finding a Nearby Dental Office
Knowing where there is a Dental Office Near Me is good for everyone. Even people with very limited finances need to take care of their dental issues. People who live in or near Worthington Hills in Columbus, Ohio, have a good choice for dental health in Magnolia Dental. The best dental clinics offer general dentistry and specialized dental services such as teeth straightening, cosmetic dentistry, and emergency dental services.
Dental clinics often have information for their clients on good foods to eat, dental hygiene, and other dental health issues. Many dental clinics have several financing options for patients needing extensive dental work. Dentists agree on the importance of regular checkups and eating healthy snacks rather than sugar-filled junk food. Brushing regularly and drinking plenty of water are other common pieces of dental advice.
What Causes Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is caused by sugary, starchy foods sticking to a person’s teeth and being broken down by natural oral bacteria, releasing small quantities of acid that dissolves tooth enamel. The damage gets worse with time until deep cavities are formed. Any carbohydrate left on tooth surfaces can cause tooth decay. Rinsing the mouth with water after eating sweets can help. Brushing the teeth twice a day helps even more.
Choosing better snacks with less sugar content is even better. But, what are the best snack foods for dental health?
What Are Healthy Snacks?
There are snacks that are healthier than candy and junk food. Three stand out and maybe surprising to many people.
· Dark chocolate is made of cocoa beans containing antioxidants such as flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. These antioxidants prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth and help reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth. The chocolate should have 70% cacao or higher. Sweet milk chocolate is not the same and does not provide the same benefits.
· Red wine consumed in moderation can also be a good, healthy snack because the wine contains antioxidants, including tannins. Products using grape seed extract also have antimicrobial benefits. The red wine helps to inhibit the growth of oral biofilm or plaque and bacteria.
· Consuming black coffee without cream or sugar can inhibit the growth of bacteria and plaque-causing agents. Robust coffees containing Coffea canephora are best at breaking down bio-films. Coffee also contains tannins and other antioxidants to help reduce bacteria in the mouth.
Additional Foods for Dental Health
Foods considered good for dental health include cheeses, meats, chicken, milk, and nuts because they provide calcium and phosphorus to remineralize teeth. Other healthy foods for the teeth include firm, crisp fruits like pears and apples and vegetables. They contain a lot of water to dilute the effects of sugars and stimulate saliva flow. The best beverage for dental health is plain water. Other good beverages include unsweetened coffee, tea, milk, and limited amounts of red wine.
The best way to save money on dental visits is to eat and snack on the right foods, drink plenty of water, and brush your teeth often. This is a case where taking care of your teeth can save money and give you a healthier life.